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My Missionary Statement

My Dear Fellow Sinners,

I want to be very clear in my mission, ensuring my audience and fans are aware that I am more than just your average erotica author (*not that there is anything wrong with that, mind you). I aim to please in more ways than sex and my writing.

I use my Facebook page as an outlet for comedy, education, to express my deep disappointment in and loathing of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, bullying, biphobia, violence, sexism, discrimination, repression, the destruction of our planet, and so much more. I post only positive articles, images, and news. I strive to only embrace and encourage openness, optimism, and positivity. I am sex positive, body positive, and overall, I focus on empowering movements for people of all races and orientations. I want everyone to feel accepted for who they are, feel free to express themselves, feel comfortable in confiding in me about any and all issues, to feel loved unconditionally, and most importantly, to feel valued.

I use my Twitter account for the same, but the focus is directed to my most visually-horny fans that enjoy seeing porn of all types. It is where I share my #hotwifelife and all polyamory and open relationships, enjoy nude photography of myself and fellow models and porn stars, and those who enjoy the tweets I share about sex, all body types, all sexual orientations, and sex toy play.

My website is a way to navigate the sites you can find me on, book me for gigs, and read my story, all while perusing naughty photos of me. I am body confident and enjoy sharing myself with you.

A huge part of my mission is to make the world a better place, one orgasm at a time and I will do all I can to make that happen. Whether you need personal advice, advice on sex, relationships, masturbation tips, sex toy reviews, etc. Please come to me and ask me anything. I am here to help and I am happy to do so. I keep everything strictly confidential and between only you and myself.

We can heal the world through this mission, but only together. Sex needs to be a topic of conversation without reservation among consenting adults. We need to learn all we can about sex without shame, we need to be able to teach children and youth about sex and how to be safe, we need to discuss the importance of consent, we need to be able to talk about what works for us and where we need help, tips and tricks, etc. I want you to think of me as the friend you indulge in your best sex talk with. None of us know it all and we can only stand to benefit if we open the door for healthy and sexy discussion. Many of us feel a need to hold back our truths but I want to put an end to that as much as possible. Shame has no place in my corner of the Garden or social media outlets. I won’t tolerate shaming of any kind from anyone and will not expose you to any environment you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in. Your sexy secrets are safe with me as you are.

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading this today, you have tasted the apple and I appreciate your support and solidarity in this mission. Stay safe, stay positive, stay educated, and as always, stay sexy, Sinners. You can reach me at anytime at and I very much look forward to hearing from you. Having personal relationships with my fellow residents of Eden is one of my favorite parts of being who I am.


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