Today is Spirit Day. As much fun as that sounds, it’s not a fun topic at all. However, it is an extremely important topic and we must discuss it to spread awareness. Today is about recognizing bullying towards sexual preferences for our LGBTQIA youth and taking a stand to end the high rising numbers of suicide related to these youth falling victim to bullying just for being themselves. Purple is the color to wear to demonstrate your taking a stand against bullying as well as the color to show support for those who have ended their lives far too early after being bullied. So, gear up and grab as much purple as you can wear, show your pride and show your willingness to put an end to bullying, particularly but not only for our LGBTQIA youth.
Brittany McMillan, while a high school student, started this event. She was saddened by the rise in teen suicides and learning that the leading cause was bullying and the teens were mostly gay students, she took matters into her own hands. In a quote found on the Spirit Day Wikipedia page, she states, “Ultimately, I want Spirit Day to make just one person feel a little bit better about his or herself, to feel safe enough in their own skin to be proud of who they are.” What a beautiful way of looking at something so sad. What a heroine for doing something about it and helping others to feel safe and to find pride in who they are. Brittany is a shining example of how we all need to be. Compassion is always the answer, hatred never is.
In another interview I stumbled upon (which can be read in full here) while reading about her, I found an incredible answer she gave in response to the question, “What did you learn from starting Spirit Day?” She simply and elegantly replied with such intelligence,
“Spirit Day has taught me so many things, but one of the main lessons I’ve learned is about the power of a single person or a single group of people. When I started Spirit Day, I was just one person, one teenage girl who wanted just a few more people to know about homophobia and the consequences of bullying. Yet every year since its creation, Spirit Day has impacted thousands of people all around the world. That would not be possible without the brave and passionate people who take the time to bring Spirit Day into their communities. Whether it’s a school community or a workplace or a faith group, Spirit Day starts with individual people who care enough to want to make a difference. Each year, I am blown away by the support and it really reminds me that there is power in people.”
I hope to be like Brittany McMillan, I hope that my fans and readers can be like her and help spread not only awareness but love for all and acceptance of everyone. It is absurd to have to accept that people would rather end their lives than to go on living, because they are unaccepted and shamed, punished and judged for who they are. This is not okay; it never will be. We can make a difference, we can be the change we want to see, we can be the future Brittany McMillans of the world and I am humbly, gratefully, and willingly accepting the challenge and will do everything in my power to continue educating, bringing awareness, and hopefully ending this epidemic of allowing bullying to continue to take such precious beings from us. I will always love everyone, embrace all humans, accept all people for who they are and keep them safe in my piece of Eden. Please reach out to me if you need to talk, if you need guidance in finding references for help if you are bullied and always make the call 800.273.8255 if you are having feelings of self harm or worse. I care. We care. There are many of us that care for you and love you. We accept you. You matter, you are worth it, ending your life is not the answer, there are ways to get help when you need it most and I for one am here to guide you to the appropriate help you seek. Please reach out to me, you and your concerns are strictly confidential. Confide in me. I love you as you are. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Yours in Spirit this Day and all hereafter,